Ministry Of Interior:

Fiber To The Home: Barkotel solution based on Tellabs 1150 Multiservice Access Platform

Samsung is uniquely positioned to be the lead supplier in providing Egypt MOI's Wireless Broadband network.

The project allows data, voice and multimedia applications over a private, secure and reliable infrastructure.

pFiber To The Home: Barkotel solution based on Tellabs 1150 Multiservice Access Platform.
Ministry Of Defense:

Barkotel Solution EMS Command and Control Centers for Ambulance Authority Egyptian.

Barkotel solution for Signal Department based on Tellabs 1150 Multiservice Access Platform,...

Barkotel communications proposed to fulfill the requirements of MOD Signal Department RFQs...

Barkotel Communications proposed to fulfill the requirements of MOD Signal Department RFQs...
Ministry Of Health:

Barkotel Solution EMS Command and Control Centers for Ambulance Authority Egyptian...

Barkotel has implemented with Harris EMS wireless trunk network (EDACS & P25) from Cairo...

The proposed system includes server and workstation software licenses to support 181 agents...
Ministry Of Petroleum :
Barkotel communications proposed to fulfill the requirements of Enppi "BADR ELDIN " RFQ for supply...